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Top 10 Customer Retention Lessons from Experts

January 28, 2025/

Winning a customer is just the beginning, what is challenging is retaining them. Researchers have consistently highlighted the importance of customer retention, they say increasing your retention by 5% can boot up your profit by 25% to 95%. Yet, we business emphasize more on acquiring new customers than keeping the ones we already…

Know All About Customer Acquisition V/s Customer Retention

September 20, 2024/

Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention- which strategy drives more growth for your business? Both the strategies serve different purposes and can have a different impact on your business. While attracting new customers is essential for growth, keeping existing customers happy can often be more beneficial in the long run. So, how do you…

Customer Retention

June 6, 2024/

Why it is vital for Business Growth? Welcome to the world of Marketing Automation where customer retention is not just an approach, but a game-changer for businesses trying to increase revenue and build great relationships with their customers. However, the question is, how does retention marketing play an important role in customer lifetime…

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