Alisha Limichana

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Know All About Customer Acquisition V/s Customer Retention

September 20, 2024/

Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention- which strategy drives more growth for your business? Both the strategies serve different purposes and can have a different impact on your business. While attracting new customers is essential for growth, keeping existing customers happy can often be more beneficial in the long run. So, how do you…

The benefits of a well-structured product classification system

September 17, 2024/

You are standing in the checkout line and suddenly a shiny packet catches your eyes. It’s right there, perfectly placed at your eye level, almost calling out for you. Before you know it’s in your cart, even though you do not plan on buying it. Ever wondered how that happens? This isn’t just…

The importance of the AIDA model for business success

September 17, 2024/

Nowadays, grabbing and holding onto a customer’s attention has become increasingly harder. Studies indicate that people usually come across around 6000-10000 ads every day but attention spans have dwindled down to 8 seconds only (Microsoft). So how do companies set them apart from competitors and guide consumers to move from simply knowing about…

User Path Analysis - EnR Cloud

August 28, 2024/

Did you know that 94% of first impressions are design-related, and poor usability can tank your conversion rates by up to 70%?  In a world where FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) drives user behaviour, understanding the intricacies of user paths has never been more critical. How do we do that? User path analysis…

Example of Marketing Automation

July 23, 2024/

Did you know that nearly half of the companies around 49% use marketing automation technology to increase their marketing efficiency? You might be wondering what can be the key differentiator from competitors to move your business forward.   10 Examples of Marketing Automation The answer lies in your strategies. Here are 10 powerful examples…

Behavioral Segmentation

July 10, 2024/

Have you ever wondered how some of the world’s biggest brands communicated to you exactly the way you are interested in the brand?  One way to do it is behavioral segmentation.  The behavioral segment in marketing has gained lots of importance as consumer expectations emphasise personalised experience with the brand they purchase their…

Customer Buying Journey

July 6, 2024/

A strong customer buying journey is the key for better conversions and achieving the better ROI. Creating a goal and curating a journey route to achieve it, needs a careful and well-planned effort. This seems pretty achievable to design, however, does not reflect reality in case of D2C market as per global stats.…

Customer Engagement Score

July 6, 2024/

Not many businesses consider it however, customer engagement score might be one of the most crucial criteria in determining your business’s success.  You either want to know your most engaged or churn-out customer or want to retain your customer or grow your business. CSE metrics allow you to evaluate all the important points…

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