Alisha Limichana

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Customer Buying Journey

July 6, 2024/

A strong customer buying journey is the key for better conversions and achieving the better ROI. Creating a goal and curating a journey route to achieve it, needs a careful and well-planned effort. This seems pretty achievable to design, however, does not reflect reality in case of D2C market as per global stats.…

Customer Engagement Score

July 6, 2024/

Not many businesses consider it however, customer engagement score might be one of the most crucial criteria in determining your business’s success.  You either want to know your most engaged or churn-out customer or want to retain your customer or grow your business. CSE metrics allow you to evaluate all the important points…

RFM Analysis

June 27, 2024/

Without data, understanding your customer is like making a decision based on a hunch, speculation, or universal theory.  The world is full of data, acting out based on biases or false assumptions is like choosing to “turn a blind eye” to the situation. Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” —…

Customer Experience Automation

June 17, 2024/

In 2024, technology has made so much progress.  Consumer behavior seems to change parallel with technology. Today’s consumers are thrown with lots of choices when it comes to goods and services. What effect does it have?  Everything boils down to how they interact with your brands.What they experience while interacting with your brand. …

Omnichannel Marketing

June 7, 2024/

Omnichannel Marketing: What is it ? How to build an effective omnichannel marketing strategy?  Consumers before making a purchase decision go through different phases, and all those phases involve interaction with multiple channels. From browsing a website to checking reviews on social media, to visiting stores to make a purchase and downloading an…

Email marketing vs Marketing automation

May 27, 2024/

It might be tough for your business to be in a constant loop of thoughts, having to decide: is it email marketing vs marketing automation for my business?  Both have their unique advantages, but understanding their key differences can help you break free from indecisiveness and choose the best one for your business.…

How of Marketing Automation Works

May 15, 2024/

It’s 2024 and things are going the speedo way in the world of automation technology. However, the Marketing world is facing its own challenges in a not so exciting economic environment across the globe. Things are getting tighter day by day in terms of funding and business growth. Brands are fighting their way…

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