Know How to build Best Email Marketing funnel in 2024

Do you understand the real potential of Email Marketing?

  • Most of the Smartphone users prefer to receive brand communications via email.
  • Segmented emails drive 30% more opens and 50% more clickthroughs than unsegmented ones.
  • 87% of Marketers plan to invest more in their email marketing budget.

The Email Marketing funnel can help brands with insights into what is your customer expectations and indicates why they will register/purchase with the brand.

An Email Marketing funnel is a theoretical cum practical representation of the user’s journey and this helps brands to understand the online customer behaviour, interest, pattern and buying decision patterns. The end goal of the Email Marketing funnel is to encourage users to register with brands.

What is the need of an Email Marketing Funnel?

1.   To understand the Customer persona

2.   To identify the different segments of users

3.   Email Marketing funnel can help brands to understand the drop offs.

4.   Email Marketing funnel can help to take data driven decisions through out the customer life cycle.

5.   EMF helps to build a strong relationship with the existing users and nurtures the relations to next level.

6.   Best way to identify the customer’s experiences and interactions. 

7.   Performance tracking and customised reports.

The goal of the email marketing funnel is to successfully move leads from one stage of the customer life cycle to another, eventually turning them from Website visitors into paying customers or in other words we can say from Window shopping to final purchase.

Three stages of the Email Marketing Funnel: –

1.   Tofu – Top of the Funnel – The awareness stage driven by Marketing.

2.   Mofu – Middle of the Funnel – Consideration stage driven by Outbound

3.   Bofu – Bottom of the Funnel – Sales take over for decision stage

Catering the sales approach to the potential users and lead nurturing is central to Tofu Mofu and Bofu.

The TOFU Stage

At this stage, The Brand shows the world, the value they offers through investing in brand awareness strategies, say blogs, videos, Podcasts, Social Media campaigns, Infographics, and more. This is the first level where the brand engages with users and remembers, First Impression leads to the last impression.

The MOFU Stage

At this stage, The Brand positions itself as the solution to the pain points by focusing on key differentiators. This includes case studies, eBooks, E-Guides, Campaign Quiz, Platform courses, Resources, templates, and more.

The objective of this stage is to Nurture the lead and bring them closer to conversion. The aim is to connect with the brand via rich content so that they can resonate with them. This is also called the consideration stage.

The BOFU Stage

This is the most critical stage for any brand/organisation as it’s the closure stage where the brand goes for sale. While person-to-person contact is likely for the sake of building a healthy and strong relationship with the prospect, content may include Promotions, Free trials, live demos, Testimonials, Brand Stories, Customer Stories, and more.

The BOFU stage is the Game changer for any brand. It can make or break the entire Email marketing strategy.

A. Users are known to be aware of the brand, and they are confident to make the purchase decision.

B. The brand focuses on Quality rather than Quantity as the aim of the brand is now to convert the paid customers to loyal customers.

C. Brands try to fulfill the user needs as it is important for a long-lasting partnership. Brands need to exceed all their expectations and build a positive experience around the product and offerings.

D. Retention is the new acquisition. Keeping only 5% of your customers satisfied and engaged can lead to a 25-95% increase in profits.

E. Brand loyalty is the future of any brand as the Loyal customer becomes the brand advocate/ Brand Ambassador.

Also Read- How Email Marketing Consultancy helps brands to Increase ROI?

As the quote says about customer loyalty When the customer comes first, the customer will last.

A good segmentation strategy can help brands to Increase the email opening rate from 20% to 33%, Increase the clickthrough rate from 9.5% to 14%, and decrease your churn rates from 1% to 3.9%.

Email Marketing Funnel allows you to create tailored content for your subscribers at different stages of the customer journey. This helps the Brand make more conversions and nurture even more customers into brand advocates.

Email Marketing converts better than any other social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Paid Campaigns and more). In fact, the email conversion rate is 50% higher than the average of other traffic sources.

A brand can expect 36x ROI from Email Marketing channel if implemented as per the Gmail Best Practices, Best Infra along with a subject matter expert.

I am sure you are interested in getting the best possible ROI from Email as a channel.

Let’s connect and schedule a call along with our Deliverability expert.

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