Best Way to Improve your Email Click Through Rate (CTR)

Let’s understand what CTR is?

CTR (Click Through Rate) is a metric that measures how many subscribers click through with respect to the number of delivered emails. The Click rate is a percentage that explains brands how many emails successfully achieved one click from a user.

Email Click Through Rate – No. of Clicks/No. of Emails delivered*100

It’s also important to understand what CTOR is.

Click Through Open Rate – It is calculated as the Number of users who have opened an email and then clicked on any link.

Click through open rates – No. of Unique Clicks/No. of Unique opens *100

Why to measure Click Through Rate?

The major goal for tracking CTR is to measure user engagement and overall ROI. A high CTR means that multiple users are clicking on the executed EDM but it doesn’t confirm the brands about the number of users who actually registered and made a final purchase.

For this brand the use conversion rate which means the percentage of click through that leads to the final purchase.

The main objective of any brand is to know the Return on Investment. As you are aware Email is the most effective and preferred communication channel for Online Brands as the potential is as high as 36X. The brands have to focus on better CTR in order to get the maximum ROI.

Best Way to Improve Your Email Click Through Rate (CTR)

1- Timing is everything in the success of email marketing programs. It’s critical for every marketer to understand what the best time and day is to send the Email campaign.

2- Subject Line and Keywords are the Game changer. Brands can use the best subject lines so that the users become more curious. An Innovative and Unique Subject line encourages users to quickly open the email.

For Eg. We are working with a securities brand, Market update is a daily campaign on a working day for them. We have used Your daily market Analysis, to stay ahead in the Stock game to get better open rates.

Further, An IPO launch is a critical campaign for the Securities brand. Subject lines like Meet your new IPO, you can’t miss the IPO, High potential IPO is waiting for you. Such Subject lines can even touch 70%+ open rates. Brands can also use emoji which make emails stand out in your inbox.

 3- It’s important to add a clear FROM NAME, Subject line, and Preview Text. Before sending the campaign, kindly test the same on internal IDs and check the layout in advance.

4- Personalize your emails with First Name and do a proper segmentation.

  • A significant 72% of consumers exclusively engage with personalised messaging.
  • 60% of consumers are inclined to become repeat buyers after enjoying a personalised shopping experience with a retailer.
  • A substantial 70% of millennials experience frustration when brands send them irrelevant emails.
  • Personalised calls to action demonstrate a remarkable 202% better conversion rate than default or standard calls to action.

5- The Call to action button must be in the Centre of the template so that the maximum user can click the links and the brand can get the maximum engagement.

The CTA must be visible. The brand can try different creative/HTML layouts to try and test which layout is working best for which segment. Image slashing is critical for the boost of click rates.

  • Are you sure all the links are working and pointing to the right places?
  • Are the font sizes legible as per the Gmail guidelines and best practices?
  • Are your brand colors showing up correctly?
  • Is the email template designed for accessibility?
  • Are the videos and images loading quickly and displaying as required?

6- Brands can include social media handles along with tracking URL while executing the campaigns.

7- It’s important to track the Domain and IP reputation. 41% of the marketers don’t even track their domain and IP reputation. A brand must monitor Spam, Unsubscribe, and abuse complaints.

8- Cut down on jargon in your email copy, write as if you’re talking to a friend.

9- Clean your Email Contact list on a regular basis and make sure that you can target the Opt-in/Confirmed users. Every Email ID matters as the Hard Bounce/Soft bounce can impact the IP and domain reputation.

10- Content is always the King when it comes to Email Marketing success in all the metrics. A good content can lead to higher Click Through Rate, Click Through Open Rate and conversions. Please give proper spacing in spacing between paragraphs and titles.

Avoid multiple CTA’s in a single creative as the user will be confused or click on an unnecessary link lead to loss of a user as well.

11- Create a sense of Urgency within the campaigns and encourage users to engage with your brands, say Reply based campaigns, Spin campaigns, or Videos where users engage with the brand.

It is important to trigger the fear of missing out, say Timer campaigns. Please try to write a conversation tone which encourages users to spend more time and click the Call to Action button.

The main objective of any Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM) is to Grab the attention of a user and build anticipation that would motivate the user to take action. Testing is super important as once you click the send button it’s impossible to make any changes, Test, Iterate, and repeat.

Are you struggling with your email performance? Do you know what percentage of your emails are landing in spam? Do you really want to improve the Inbox placement rates? Do you want to achieve the maximum Click Through Rate and ROI from the most effective communication channel?

Reach out to our Email Expert at

Also Read- Know How to build Best Email Marketing funnel in 2024

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